Clever bolt-action
Titanium awl with a clever bolt-action design
Introducing Titanium Edge - the ultimate multi-purpose tool for your everyday needs. It can be used as a pimple popper or scratch awl.
"It is sharp and removes pimples very easily." ----Ray
"Nice. Sturdy. Small." ----Rachael
Two settings with a telescopic bolt-action design: features an integrated and retractable quick-release action, easy to grip and fun to use.
The bolt-action is fun to use!
The durable and adjustable lock position gives you a steady grip.
Stop making things worse by popping your pimples with your fingers. The best practice for acne treatment is to simply remove those whiteheads, pimples, or blackheads as professional dermatologists do.
It is designed for professional beauticians, dermatologists, and home use. Care for your skin at home with this hygienic, bio-compatible, and lifetime-lasting solid pure Titanium EDC!
It is made of solid 100% Grade 1 (CP1) Titanium! CP1 is the purest form of Titanium that is the most resistant to corrosion. Titanium is the most biocompatible (non-toxic and not rejected by the body) and safe metal for the human body! It is widely used in surgical implements and implants, such as hip balls and sockets for joint replacement and dental implants that can stay in place for up to 20 ~ 30 years. It is the only element that our body fully accepts.
Effective and sharp enough to treat all sorts of blemishes on your skin.
It is also an effective awl for everyday use. It can be used to clean USB/phone slots, sew leather, clean up fine paint details, push reset buttons on electronics, remove a splinter, personalize your wooden or metal collections.
It is rust-proof with corrosion-resisting benefits and easy to maintain a clean condition even after multiple uses, which makes it hygienic.
Keychain friendly, designed to be your everyday carry tool. Retracts fully when not in use, for safe carry.
All in all, it is a perfect tool for self-care or to take with you to your beautician or dermatologist, or to use as an everyday awl.
Polar Metals seeks to spice up your life with interesting and unusual metals in unexpected ways.